Sunday 19 July 2020

Why AC evaluated in Tons, Not in kW?

Air conditioning (Air-conditions and Refrigeration are constantly evaluated in Tons)

Rating in Ton, Not in KW.

Forced air systems

These systems are constantly evaluated in Tons capacity instead of kW since Air conditioners are planned based on the amount of warmth expulsion from the room, lobby or explicit region. Amount of warmth is named in Tons implies if a forced-air system can expel 1000 kilo calories of warmth or 4120 kilojoules or 12000 BTU of warmth in an hour that AC evaluated as 1 Ton of AC since 1000 Kilocalories or 4120 kilojoules or 12000 BTU equivalent to one Ton of warmth. Additionally, this is a similar case for cooler and icebox for example refrigeration framework.

Great to know:

BTU = British warm unit. An estimation of warmth, explicitly, the measure of warmth expected to raise the temperature of a pound of water by 1°F.

Meaning of Ton

A Ton of refrigeration (RT) is roughly equal to 12,000 BTU/h or 3,516.8528 W or 4.7142Hp.

A Ton of refrigeration (RT) is a unit of intensity used to portray the warmth extraction limit of cooling and refrigeration types of gear. It is characterized as the warmth of the combination consumed by softening 1 short ton of unadulterated ice at 0 °C (32 °F) in 24 hours.

What number of kW and HP are there in 1 Ton?

1 Ton = 3.5168525 kW = 4.714Hp


1 Ton = 12,000 BTU/h

1 Watt = 3.412141633 BTU/h

1 Ton = 12,000/3.412141633 = 3,516.8528 Watts = 3.5168528 kW.

1 Ton = 3,516.8528 Watts = 3.516 kW.


1 Ton = 3,516.8528W/746 = 4.7142798928 Hp →→→ (1 Hp = 746 Watts)

1 Ton = 4.714 Hp

How to change over Tonto Kw and the other way around?

One RT(Refrigeration Ton) = 3.5168528 kW…

1 RT = 3.5168528 kW

1 kW = 0.284345 RT(Refrigeration Ton)

1 kW = 0.28434517 RT

In this way,

The power P in kW = Power P in RT (Refrigeration Ton) times 3.5168528….

P(kW) = P(RT) × 3.5168528


Convert 3 Ton AC into kW for example Convert 3 RT to kW.


P(kW) = 3 RT × 3.5168528

P(kW) = 10.55 kW

3 Ton AC = 10.55 kW

The amount Current in Ampere will a 2 Tons AC attract Single Phase and Three Phase System?

Assume, There are 230V and Power factor = Cosθ = 0.95 in Single Phase AC framework…

1 Ton = 3,516.8528 Watts = 3.516 kW.

2 Ton = 2 x 3.516 kW = 7.032kW = 7032W

Power in a Single Phase AC System

P = VxI Cosθ and current…

I = P/(V x Cosθ)… .. Where Cosθ = Power factor

I = 7032W/(230V x .95)

I = 32.18 A

In this manner, a 2 Ton AC (Air-condition in Single Phase AC framework will take 31.18 Ampere Current

And Three Phase System

Assume, There are 440V and Power factor = Cosθ = 0.85 in Three-Phase AC framework…

Power in a Three-Phase AC System

P =√3 x VLxIL Cosθ and current… .

I = P/( √3xVxCosθ)

I = 7032W/(1.732 x 440V x .85) Where Cosθ = Power factor and √3 = 1.732

I = 10.855 A

In this way, a 2 Ton AC (Air-condition in Three-Phase AC framework will take 10.855 Ampere Current

Great to Know: This is simply figuring dependent on Electrical equations. In genuine, Air conditioner current depends a great deal on working conditions, for example, the surrounding temperature, refrigerant weight, Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and so on for example, if EER is 6, at that point info control for 2 Tons Air conditioner is 24000BTU/6 = 4000 watts.

On the off chance that this is a 230-volt framework, at that point forced air system load current would be = 4000/(230x.95) = 18.5 A

For more detail… Check the Air conditioner Nameplate rating.

Another comparable rating is Coefficient of intensity (COP) which is the yield control in watts partitioned by information control, so with a COP = 1.8, for example, input control for 2 Tons Air conditioner is 7032W/1.8 = 3906 watts. Presently you can discover current by utilizing the above strategy which is equivalent to 18A approx.

What number of 2 Ton A.C (Air conditioner) would I be able to keep running on a 25 kVA Generator?

2 Ton = 2 x 3.516 kW = 7.032kW = 7032W

The Efficiency of Utility Power Generator is 90% around.

Proficiency of Generator = 25kVA x (90/100) = 22.5kVA

Presently the Number of 2 Ton AC (Air conditioners) which you can keep running on a 25 kVA Generator easily.


= 3

So you can run Three Air conditioners of 2 Tons each on a 25kVA Generator.

What is the reasonable rating of MCB for 2 Ton and 1 Ton AC (Air conditioner) and why?

As we have determined the heap current for 2 Ton AC Air conditioner…

Determined Current for 2 Ton A.C = I = 32.18 A

Presently 40A Class "C" MCB (scaled-down electrical switch) would be appropriate for 2 Ton AC (cool) because in beginning time it takes increasingly flow of the full burden flow

What's more, 20 A Class "C" MCB would be better for 1 Ton AC (cool)

Great to Know:

Class "'C' Type MCBs

Class "C" Type MCBs are reasonable for establishments with the high inrush of current at the beginning exchanging time. at the end of the day, hardware and gadgets having inductive loads, for example, forced air systems, enlistment engines, fluorescent lights, transformers etc.

Why is Battery Rating in Ah (Ampere hour) and not in VA or Watts.

Why is Battery Rating in Ah (Ampere hour) and not in VA or Watts?

Battery stores charge as concoction vitality and after that changes over it into electrical vitality to use for a particular time. The measure of accessible charge is the limit of a cell or battery which might be communicated in Ah (Ampere-hour). Besides, in a charged battery, the quantities of atoms are constrained to make a progression of the electron in electric circuits, along these lines, there must be a set number of electrons in a cell/battery which they inspire through a circuit to completely release.
Presently we have the alternative to rate the battery limit in Number of streaming electrons for a particular time, be that as it may, it would be a migraine because there are countless electrons in it. So we have another alternative (1C (Coulomb) = 6.25 x 10^18 electrons, or 6,250,000,000,000,000,000 electrons. 
Rating Of Batteries
What's more, 1A (Ampere) = 1 coulomb of electrons for each second and, 60 minutes (h) = 3600 Seconds In this way; 
1Ah = (1A) x (3600s) = (C/s) x (3600s) = 3600 C. 
A (1 Ampere) = 1 Coulomb for each second = C/s 

Why make up another unit for battery limit rating when an old one unit is doing fine and dandy?

Obviously! To make your lives as experts and understudies increasingly troublesome ;). As they accomplish for power units… for example 1 Unit of Electricity = 1kWh = 1 leading group of Trade Unit. 

Why Battery isn't Rated in VA (Volt Ampere) or Watts? 

VA represents volt-amps. This is the estimation for clear power one of the three sorts of intensity in AC circuits. The other two are genuine power, estimated in watts and reactive power measured in VARS (Volt Amperes Reactive). The connection between the three decides a power factor which is the thing that you need in an AC circuit. Batteries are DC where power factor is solidarity (for example P.f isn't appropriate in DC circuits because of zero recurrences). 
Furthermore, the battery is definitely not a steady voltage source, for example, we just intrigued by battery limit which is just for the explicit time, subsequently, we can't utilize Wh rather than Ah for the battery too. That is the reason battery isn't appraised in VA or W rather than Ah.

Why Alternator/Generator Rated in kVA. Not in kW?

As we definitely realize that why transformer evaluated in kVA rather than kW, the same reason here, for example, the power √3 VL IL Cos θ c...