Showing posts with label Electricity and Thunders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electricity and Thunders. Show all posts

Saturday 18 July 2020

How did electricity and thunders happen?

When I was younger I always wondered how this lightning and thunder is and I know you were thinking about this too so today we will discuss about how lightning and thunder came. Let's get started

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Lightning is the most spectacular element of a thunderstorm. This is actually how thunder got his name. Wait a minute, how is Vajra related to electricity? Well, lightning causes thunder.

Lightning is the discharge of electricity. A single stroke of lightning can heat up to 30,000 ° C (54,000 ° F) in the air around it! This excessive heating causes the air to actively expand rapidly. The expansion creates a health wave that turns into a sharp sound wave, known as a rumble.

Because the adversaries draw, the negative charging at the bottom of the storm wants to list the ground with a positive charge. Once the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud becomes large enough, the flow of the negative charge is called a steady leader that moves towards the Earth. Positive charges on the ground attract the leader, so the positive charge flows upwards from the ground. When the phased leader and positive charge meet, a strong electric current charges positively into the cloud. This electric current is known as the changing stroke. We see this as a bright flash of an electric bolt.

And another question I also think that when we hear thunder and thunder, we saw earlier that we hear the sound of thunder so how did it happen?

The speed of light is greater than the sound of light, so we see lightning before and after it.

And one more thing when this lightning strikes thousands of Imams of flow through your body. And this will stop your heartbeat. So when there is lightning and disturbances, do not stay outside the house and protect your family as well.

And when this power removes your TV plug, refrigerator plug and turns off your mobile charger plug. This lightning can damage your gyrates.

Another question arises that when lightning flashes and thunder then why do we hear the sound?

Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of air around the path of a lightning bolt. ... However, the thunder and scurrilous sounds we hear actually come from the rapid expansion of the air around the light bolt.

The thrust of the thunder can be expressed in decibels (dB). A clap of thunder usually registers at about 120 dB of ground stroke. This is 10 times more than a garbage truck or pneumatic jackhammer drill.

Can electricity kill people?

If you've ever thought about hitting lightning, you might assume that a lightning flicker will come down from the sky, hit you, and that's it. You are dead

First, lightning injures more people than falls. In fact, about 90 percent of those lightning hits survive, but often with long-lasting neurological damage, Drs. Says Mary Ann Cooper, a leading expert on electrical injuries.

"Secondly, lighting that strikes someone directly from the sky is called a direct attack," says meteorologist Ron Holle of Wesla Global Atmospheric, Inc., Tucson, Arizona, which rarely occurs.

You've probably heard that a building raid could hit a lighting wire or water pipe, killing a person talking on the phone or taking a bath. This happens, but such "contact attacks" are rare as direct attacks. Direct and contact attacks account for only 3-5 percent of electrical deaths and injuries in each account.

When an electric shock, which currently has 20,000 or more amperes, does not simply disappear in the earth as this electric current falls on the entire field. It spreads into the ground as a potentially lethal current with its voltage from where it hits.

And when lightning strikes the human animal, thousands of amps of current flows through the body. And it can cause a fatal accident. And a human can die.

Thanks for reading !!

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