Wednesday 5 December 2018

Synchronous Speed

It is clear that for the fixed number of poles, the alternator has to be rotated at a particular speed to keep the frequency of the generated emf constant at the required value. Such a speed is called Synchronous Speed of the alternator denoted as Ns.

So Ns=120fP

Where f= Required Frequency

      In our nation, the frequency of an alternating emf is standard equal to 50 Hz. to get 50 Hz frequency, for the different number of poles, the alternator must be driven at different speeds called Synchronous Speeds. Following table gives the values of the synchronous speeds for the alternators having a different number of poles.

From the table, it can be seen that the minimum number of poles for an alternator can be two hence maximum value of synchronous speed possible in our nation i.e. for the frequency of 50 Hz is 3000 rpm.

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